15 Minute Yoga for strong legs | Beginner | Day 2 of Beginner Camp

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • 👉🏼Last few days to register for our 21-Day Yoga Program: yoga.satvicmov...

    to practice many asanas, meditations and learn the yoga philosophy.
    Learn more here - yogachallenge....
    This 15 minute flow will work on your legs to strengthen them in poses like Veerbhadrasana and Utkatasana. You will also experience stretching and flexibility poses to improve blood flow to the legs that will help relieve soreness and pain. 🦵🏼
    We hope you enjoy the class! 🤸🏼‍♀️
    Things to remember
    1. Practice on an empty stomach. Always keep a gap of at least 3 hours between your meal and practice. If you have had a fruit, 2 hours is good enough.
    2. Wear loose cotton clothes while practising. Please do NOT wear tight, polyester, dry fit clothing while practising yoga. Your skin needs fresh air as you get in and out of asanas.
    3. Practice only as much as you comfortably can. Never try to force yourself into poses. Please remember to be gentle with yourself.
    4. If you’re a complete beginner, it would be wise to keep a mirror next to you. This will help you observe yourself as you get in and out of asanas and allow to self-correct.
    Stay consistent with your practice with this yoga camp. It’s okay to miss one day but never miss twice! Happy Practising 🙌🏼
    Join our 21 Day Yoga Challenge to deepen your knowledge - yogachallenge.in
    Stay connected with us on Instagram for daily yoga knowledge - / satvic.yoga
    For food and lifestyle related guidance subscribe to our channel ‪@SatvicMovement‬
    Disclaimer: Satvic Movement recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Комментарии • 565

  • @satvicyoga
    @satvicyoga  2 месяца назад +5

    Join our Beginner Yoga Sadhana Program Starting on 17th March. 🧘
    Click here to learn more: yoga.satvicmovement.org/?

  • @tanvijain1491
    @tanvijain1491 Год назад +432

    Completed the 21 day challenge and came back to this video, still can’t do most of the asanas. But the future videos are much simpler. Those of you who couldn’t do today’s asanas, don’t give up, this is the most difficult day in the series.

    • @n0tpranjali
      @n0tpranjali Год назад +23

      thank you for reassuring! i was struggling with this.

    • @shivashankarsiddannavar483
      @shivashankarsiddannavar483 Год назад +6

      Hello mam
      Very well explained,thank you so much..
      Kindly tell us the name of the yoga pose,before you do each yoga pose
      Thank you

    • @alkasaini2000
      @alkasaini2000 Год назад +3

      After this I got pain in my body it seem very difficult 😢

    • @annatassi4035
      @annatassi4035 Год назад +2

      Yes this was challenging even though I have been doing yoga for years. But skipeed a month for an acheing shoulder

    • @sanu8268
      @sanu8268 Год назад

      🥺mammm.. I'm 18 year old girl..
      I need your help..
      🥺🥺 mujhe periods aa gae to me ab ye series continue kru ya 3-4 din gap lekr light yoga krlu..

  • @nikitamehra23
    @nikitamehra23 9 месяцев назад +29

    Did this again after completing the whole playlist and I can feel a huge difference in my flexibility and strength. So don't get demotivated if as a beginner you're unable to do some asanas. Just stay consistent. It will be fruitful ❤🌸

    • @anchalsharma0843
      @anchalsharma0843 4 месяца назад

      Thanks a lot, i got demotivated in between the asanas as i couldn’t do them right. But I will continue in the hope that on the 22nd day, i’ll be better than this 😇

  • @tanmaypatil9806
    @tanmaypatil9806 4 месяца назад +14

    Just completed day 2, I am just amazed that what our body is capable of doing, I could never have imagined that I could do these many stretches 😄.

  • @abhiseksharma7828
    @abhiseksharma7828 Год назад +11

    में हमेशा से योग सीखने की इच्छा रखता हूं। पर एक गुरु की कमी थी, जिसे आपके इस योग प्रसंग ने पूर्ण कर दिया, में आपका आभारी हूं।

  • @monatandon5215
    @monatandon5215 Год назад +26

    Following the camp since 2 days, it’s really very helpful and easy to follow. Thanks a lot for your efforts in fitness awareness drive… looking forward for more Satvik ways of life.

  • @pritidebnath9239
    @pritidebnath9239 Год назад +36

    30 Oct 2023
    2nd time 🎉 started practice at 4:20 am
    Day 2 completed😊
    Thank you ma'am and satvic team ❤😊🙏

  • @Coder-rl7fy
    @Coder-rl7fy Год назад +17

    Day 2 May 2 2023 I really loved it all those twisting n all happening in the body it feels good like I did day 1 yesterday and trust me guys I slept like a baby it was a deep sleep I had since so long. I m gonna continue the awesome journey I have got. Thank You Universe for such an amazing session.😄

  • @uzzalkhadka7261
    @uzzalkhadka7261 2 года назад +15

    Fellow yogis ...Trust me 🥰
    Radhika mam makes our yoga journey very easy❤️🥰take a note
    She is my mentor of my yoga journey ❤️Lots and Lots of love Radhika mam-Subah mam from the buttom of my heart❤️very very Gratefull to satvic moment team❤️❤️

  • @kavi5008
    @kavi5008 Год назад +3

    Day 2 Completed. Couldn't do few poses as shown. But yoga is a practice. Just do the as much your capability is. Flexibility will definitely improve with practice n as long as you don't give up😊

  • @selfhealer7777
    @selfhealer7777 Год назад +2

    Day 2, July 21,2023 I felt a lot of tension in my whole body being released while doing the asanas , i was like legit feeling the blood and air flowing through my body during some asanas .i was very sleepy when i started the yoga session but then as the practice continuous i felt more energised than sleepy . I really enjoyed the flow and loved it too Thank You Universe and Satvic Yoga Team for letting it reach out to me❤‍🔥

  • @BabsiMoon
    @BabsiMoon 16 дней назад

    The doggie is so cute😢😢😢😢😢I had to.srop the yoga to look how lucky he is with her..she absolutely my favorite yoga teacher in on youtube. Thank you so much for blessing my soul with yoga.

  • @Jitendrakumar-j6v7t
    @Jitendrakumar-j6v7t Год назад +3

    I do yoga after my workout and this is so beneficial this cure my all pain in my leg thank u mam

  • @gayathrimy3nc37
    @gayathrimy3nc37 4 месяца назад +4

    Complete 2days with full of happiness ❤❤❤❤ waiting for tomorrow session

  • @ТанзиляМеденко-ю7м
    @ТанзиляМеденко-ю7м 10 месяцев назад +5

    Спасибо огромное Вам. Вот уже две недели как занимаюсь с Вами по видео урокам. Это именно то, что я искала. Благодарю ❤❤❤

  • @lavender0004
    @lavender0004 Год назад +5

    1st December,23....completed day 2 ..absolutely love the stretches in legs

  • @surekhakore6823
    @surekhakore6823 Месяц назад

    धन्यवाद राधिका आत्ताच २१ दिवसाचा योगापुर्ण केला माझ्या मुलीमुळे शक्यझालेयोग म्हणजे काय माहित झाले खरच खुप आनंद झाला मुलगी माझी.डॉक्टर आहे ती तरपुर्ण योगा शिकलीआहे खरच मी रोज योगा करते आहे❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @pranitasohony
    @pranitasohony 23 дня назад

    Just did this! So rejuvenating.😊

  • @faridhassan9097
    @faridhassan9097 Год назад

    آپ کے سارے پروگرام شوق سے دیکھتا ھوں. یوگا کے اچھے طریقے دیکھنے کا موقع ملتا ھے

  • @shipradhal996
    @shipradhal996 Год назад

    Day 2:25 march, 2024
    I have completed today's task, and my legs feeling so relaxing and stretched,feeling blessed to have so strechable legs❤

  • @AlinaSahoo-u5z
    @AlinaSahoo-u5z 28 дней назад

    Radhe Radhe ❤

  • @annasadra9298
    @annasadra9298 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful yoga knowledge with us! Hare Krishna 🙏

  • @humanity1009
    @humanity1009 5 месяцев назад +1

    Today is my 2nd Day. I am really enjoying your practices. Thank you so much for the wonderful Practices.

  • @divyaagarwal9760
    @divyaagarwal9760 10 месяцев назад +2

    Hello Radhika Ma'am, Thank you for these videos. You helped me start my yoga journey, which will shape the rest of my life. Thank you once again. May God bless you! Hare Krishna!

  • @abhishekpansaniya4147
    @abhishekpansaniya4147 23 дня назад


  • @pritijain3689
    @pritijain3689 Год назад +2

    Your voice is like magicthats takes us in other place which is very cool n piece really it's soothe n feel good to do exercise Thankyou

  • @sreejank6409
    @sreejank6409 Год назад +1

    Kindly add some yoga for varicose pain for Aged parents. They are suffering this. Your effort is excellent. God bless u.

  • @priyadarshinisingh6165
    @priyadarshinisingh6165 2 года назад +3

    Amazing time of session, duration of classes suits lifestyle of a working mother !! Thank you for this Team.
    Radhika mam your words and the way to speak step by step is very clear, I literally didn’t looked at screen single time during entire session -- thank you !!

    • @shravanim6555
      @shravanim6555 2 года назад

      Is that available daily online yoga classes mam

  • @PoojaYadav-q1k
    @PoojaYadav-q1k 3 месяца назад

    Completed 21 day yoga practice 😊 and came back to this for learning again and l feel my body is more open from starting
    Thanku mam ❤

  • @glitteringangel3119
    @glitteringangel3119 2 года назад +18

    Finished this yoga challenge along with Day 1 challenge. :) Feeling really good. :)

  • @meenabajaj6632
    @meenabajaj6632 Месяц назад

    Thank you so much 🙏God bless you 🙏❤️😊🌈

  • @atfaaquil5483
    @atfaaquil5483 5 месяцев назад +1

    This was difficult tbh but i loved it 😊
    I love how calm i feel afterwards, exactly what i need these days ❤

  • @AnjaliSingh-wg4ps
    @AnjaliSingh-wg4ps 4 месяца назад +1

    Complete day 2
    Feeling so calm and relaxed whole day

  • @AnjaliSingh-ap
    @AnjaliSingh-ap 9 месяцев назад +1

    Day 2 done! :D
    The asana at 6.42 was a bit challenging; I had to replay it again. Just wanted to thank you for your positivity and aura

  • @manjuladevishankarappa3852
    @manjuladevishankarappa3852 Год назад +1

    I started to do from yesterday.im feeling so good.thank you ma'am

  • @shaheensharif3917
    @shaheensharif3917 Месяц назад +1

    Thanks for this yoga program I recently joined. Though it’s difficult for the beginner to follow all the asanas. I would suggest if you offer some alternatives for the difficulties a beginner faces. Thanks 🙏

  • @bristiborah7868
    @bristiborah7868 15 дней назад

    Day 1 ✅.
    Thank you ma'am...🥰

  • @SimplyDimply01
    @SimplyDimply01 2 месяца назад

    Complete day 2.. thank you so much ❤️💕

  • @shwetapaliwal4113
    @shwetapaliwal4113 5 дней назад

    Day 2 done ✅ .great feeling

  • @NehaYadav-oq4st
    @NehaYadav-oq4st 9 месяцев назад

    Day 2 - 30 June
    I am in gov.job preparation most of the time demotivated and stressed but this Really helped me for mind as well as body .. thankyou mam ❤❤
    Love from Lucknow

  • @rebariat4716
    @rebariat4716 10 месяцев назад +1

    Really loved the Beginners camp ! Started few days ago !
    Looking forward to a new journey of Body love and Body fitness !

  • @AlinaSahoo-u5z
    @AlinaSahoo-u5z 4 месяца назад +1

    I will continue this yoga classes ❤

  • @Taletails
    @Taletails Год назад +7

    Completed day 2 . Thank you so much. "Becoming self-aware is what yoga helps in,"

  • @mariajosehidalgozambrano3868
    @mariajosehidalgozambrano3868 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for so much love 💜
    Day 2

  • @vatsalarajebhosale4417
    @vatsalarajebhosale4417 2 года назад +4

    Mam yesterday myself and my brother did the Asanas you taught. We both felt amazing...... Thank you. Feeling great to be a part of this Yoga Camp

  • @Dr.Sharma16
    @Dr.Sharma16 3 месяца назад

    Radhika You are a blessing to all of us ❤

  • @KrishananandVishwakarma
    @KrishananandVishwakarma Год назад +1

    Day 2 Complete ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @sanjnarathi284
    @sanjnarathi284 Год назад +1

    Thanku Dear 🥰🌹🌹👍

  • @vkul1985
    @vkul1985 7 месяцев назад

    After the morning running around routine, thus exercise felt like bliss... Thank you Radhika.

  • @anamikasai2901
    @anamikasai2901 5 месяцев назад

    Radhika di you are the best i love your yoga I also used to do it always I love it thank you for all this series. ❤❤❤

  • @Student-----
    @Student----- 3 месяца назад +2

    Day 2 complete ✅😊

  • @JahanAraakhtar-vg7yk
    @JahanAraakhtar-vg7yk Год назад

    Day 2 complicated thank you so much love you ma'am for this❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤yoga classes

    • @tanzilamaklina575
      @tanzilamaklina575 Год назад

      Assa aita ki 1 day er session sudu 1day e kora lagbe naki...bujtaci na....

  • @hinasharma6357
    @hinasharma6357 2 года назад +13

    I also want to be a true Yogi so that we can live a healthy life and so on our family

  • @SanjanaSannu
    @SanjanaSannu Год назад

    21 January 2024🤍... I loved it 🤗.... Thanks for this session ma'am ❤ feeling much more relaxed 😌

  • @meghagupta5669
    @meghagupta5669 5 месяцев назад

    Today is my 2nd day feeling so relaxed and happy thank you satvic team

  • @aishabhatia8370
    @aishabhatia8370 2 года назад +1

    Really amazing
    Aap bhut aache trike se smjhati h
    Hm feel kr pate h yoga
    Thanks again nd again ❤️❤️😍

  • @muktagupta
    @muktagupta Год назад

    Day 2(24 Dec, 2023) Finally I did it though some asanas were difficult but I continue till the end ❤

  • @sanjaylalwani958
    @sanjaylalwani958 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks Radhika Mam for this yoga classes and I am really enjoying this class I have started yoga from this video's and I am really very happy and 💕 yoga Ones more thanks and have a good 6❤❤❤

  • @pragyabanka1235
    @pragyabanka1235 8 месяцев назад

    Wow. So alive. Had such a refreshing experience. It was raining but you were so unmoved ❤❤

  • @megha_dhatrak
    @megha_dhatrak 8 месяцев назад

    Day 2: Not easy as a beginner. But tried to do all the aasnas. And felt really good after completing. Thanks

  • @vaibhavsanghi5227
    @vaibhavsanghi5227 Год назад +1

    Maam I loved this yoga practice, I experience the best moments or time in the last relaxing state...experience is marvelous

  • @shalusharma8618
    @shalusharma8618 Год назад +2

    Good evening mam bhut achcha kraya body relax ho gi hai

  • @gokilavanisai
    @gokilavanisai 2 года назад +10

    Hii mam its a request can you enable subtitles so that people who can't understand hindi can go through subtitles

  • @rabbanikamal
    @rabbanikamal 6 месяцев назад

    😊 I'm feeling so much relax thank you ❤

  • @AnjaliVerma-ql8pi
    @AnjaliVerma-ql8pi 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for the best session ❤

  • @labdhiranka5764
    @labdhiranka5764 2 года назад

    day 2 ,April 2 2023, i did it; it was very good. i feel energised, more peace now . I really loved the practice.Thank You so much Universe and Radhika didi for this amazing session

  • @niveditapatil985
    @niveditapatil985 7 месяцев назад

    Day 1 completed. Feeling fresh today

  • @khellysalazar
    @khellysalazar 6 месяцев назад

    Sunday September 29th🎉 Day 2 completed! This is my first time practicing yoga ❤

  • @mancykumari2421
    @mancykumari2421 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this practice 🙏 💓 💕

  • @zainabkhanzzz69
    @zainabkhanzzz69 8 месяцев назад

    Literally feel too good after practicing...
    Grateful to u from pakistan 🇵🇰...

  • @animefan-n5d
    @animefan-n5d 6 месяцев назад

    day 2 completed, thank you for this video❤

  • @selfhealer7777
    @selfhealer7777 Год назад +1

    day 2, May 28,2023 it was a gentle and easy flow thank you for the session

  • @Saniya-er1ir
    @Saniya-er1ir 6 месяцев назад

    Day 1 completed all this for full filling my dream& for my best future😇

  • @nilmashah5191
    @nilmashah5191 Год назад

    Along with her lovely stretches ...I love the venue choosen for this video... Beautiful hill with lovely sea at back ground...

  • @PritamMishra-m7o
    @PritamMishra-m7o 5 месяцев назад

    Thankyou so much mam for the day 1 asanas 😊.I really enjoyed

  • @Komal_Gupta16
    @Komal_Gupta16 7 месяцев назад

    thankyou mam for these sessions, I started yesterday and its really very help full. yeah day 2 completed.

  • @vaishnavinyadav2410
    @vaishnavinyadav2410 4 месяца назад

    Day 2 done ✅
    Feeling confident thank you Didi ❤

  • @Abhijitbairagi-c41
    @Abhijitbairagi-c41 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you Radhika ji, you are making yoga addictive for me. 😊

    @INAYATALUKDER-t3f 7 месяцев назад

    My fav yoga instructor❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @namahshivaay882
    @namahshivaay882 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for this camp❤

  • @makeupgiriwithbhartigudiya0892

    Main kaafi dino se yoga kar Rahi thi just belly fat reduce ke liye ba mujhe lg Raha hai mujhe full body ke liye yoga start karna chahiye or recently aapki video samne aayi toh acha lga aap thoda thoda smjha rahe ho kaise kya karna hai

  • @arjunpathak6584
    @arjunpathak6584 11 месяцев назад

    Completed Day 2
    Thank you so much
    Gratitude Madam 🙏

  • @Harshitakoranga11
    @Harshitakoranga11 Год назад +2

    Day 2 completed 💜🌸 Mam loved this leg yoga practice
    Hare Krishna 🌼

    • @harekrishna55555
      @harekrishna55555 Год назад

      Day 1 ko repeat nhi Krna h kya

    • @Harshitakoranga11
      @Harshitakoranga11 Год назад

      @@harekrishna55555 kar sakte ho aap repeat jb 21 days yoga complete ho jaye uske baad...

    • @harekrishna55555
      @harekrishna55555 Год назад

      @@Harshitakoranga11 kya me Ghar ka subh ka Kam khtm kr k tab kr skti hu ...jese jharu pocha bartan k bad or yoga k bad nha skte h ya yoga shuru krne se pehle nhana h

    • @Harshitakoranga11
      @Harshitakoranga11 Год назад

      It depends on u , aap apna kaam kr k bhi yoga kr skte ho phir nha lena but yoga khale pait he krna morning m effective hota h

    • @harekrishna55555
      @harekrishna55555 Год назад

      @@Harshitakoranga11 ok thank you

  • @annatassi4035
    @annatassi4035 Год назад

    Thank you for the lovely practice. Glad you also cue in English. Namaste😍🙏❤

  • @Sweetpetal0
    @Sweetpetal0 2 месяца назад +1

    Today is my day 2 ❤🎉🎉🎉

  • @snehalathavavilapalli1909
    @snehalathavavilapalli1909 11 месяцев назад

    Completed day 2. Loved the series. Thank you. Loved how your puppy interrupted your yoga😃 It was very cute.

  • @bhavikshah1946
    @bhavikshah1946 Год назад

    I can't do any of it half correct also....but still will try 👍
    Thank you 😊👍

  • @Gadiwala2711
    @Gadiwala2711 10 месяцев назад

    I liked your 1 ep on beginner course, but the 2nd day asanas are very difficult for a bignner, while i am very fit , gym going person of age 29 ,
    Hope u will take it as a positive feedback, and i love your method of explanation on asanas

  • @sanyahingoo5527
    @sanyahingoo5527 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much. I’m a procrastinator when it comes to exercising, but I somehow worked against my lazy attitude and got to the mat. The stretches feel so good. Also I would like to know where do you buy loose fitting clothes for practising yoga (the type you are wearing). I can’t wear the skin tight ones which is what is commonly available. Thank you so much for this wonderful session. 🙏

  • @AnanyaGupta-yz1wk
    @AnanyaGupta-yz1wk Месяц назад

    Started doing the yogas from yesterday and i am not able to do much of the yoga ... I don't know what to do ... I was facing too much difficulties, but will try again for sure 😅

    @GARGIPATHAK-g2t Месяц назад

    Day 3 as practicing yoga complete ❤

  • @priyasrivathson9031
    @priyasrivathson9031 2 года назад

    Hi my son and I are loving your yoga videos … please bring the puppy back in all of them :) … my son and all kids would enjoy the video even more 😊

  • @DeenEkSamandar
    @DeenEkSamandar 3 месяца назад

    Thanks mam❤❤ lam full happy 😊

  • @VishvaPatel-x2z
    @VishvaPatel-x2z Год назад

    It was greatest experience. Thank you so much for sharing your yoga experience with us ❤❤❤

  • @sim_sam_1
    @sim_sam_1 7 месяцев назад

    Hie I have started last day so its my second day i m hoping consistency from my own self 😊

  • @deeptiahuja522
    @deeptiahuja522 5 месяцев назад

    Day 2 done ✅
    Excited for day 3

  • @namiwalia
    @namiwalia 2 года назад +1

    Just wonderful to practice with you daily... My morning is filled with positivity... Hezal❤️

  • @IndiBex86
    @IndiBex86 Год назад

    Love your videos and seeing your little dog! ❤️

  • @lasiyapriya4565
    @lasiyapriya4565 4 месяца назад

    This session was soo tough but i am not gonna give up . 7:42 that asana was to tough but managed to do .Anyways all the best guys

  • @Ollie_e6b
    @Ollie_e6b Год назад +2

    Day 2😊 3/4/2024