Nissan GTR vs Mitsubishi EVO FQ 400 - Fifth Gear
- Опубликовано: 12 мар 2025
- In this classic Fifth Gear clip these two Japanese super cars are going head to head to see which is best, first is an autotest and the second a 2 lap race!
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2:13 I hate how nobody's mentioning how that was one of the best J turns I've ever seen in my life with that Evo. I rewatched it 5 times I was that impressed lol.
It's beautiful, I've looked at it for five hours now.
Yeah true, just cant do that in an automatic, even if its ever so slightly faster to shift on track.
Lies again? France Qatar
Evos will always have the number one stop in my heart... They are just beautiful..
That Evo looks Beautiful.
TheBlackKnight po
It always are
No it doesn't, IT LOOKS SEXY!
Yeah but GT-R is wonderful
Looked like a red dot
It's hard to believe EVO X was launched in market in 2007.
She is still more beautify than other sports cars launched in these years, even in 2020!
Sparta Negative Base
Sparta Negative Madhouse Mix
Sparta DJ Mix
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Sparta Hyper Base V2.5 (Sexy Base)
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[Hyper-Zone X Twilight X Hyper Sexy Base 2.5]
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Sparta Hyper Remix V3.5 (Mashup)
your comment is 4 years ago...and still...u r right
Two of my favourite cars in one video :)
+DucksDontPuck me too bro !!
+Pedro henrique I honestly read that: Ducks don't phuck him either... LOL
kkkkkk I have one lancer john easton... best than this evo in video and gtr
3.8L - 6 Cylinder - Twin Turbo
2.0L - 4 Cylinder - Single Turbo
Well you do have the GT-R going up against 5 L V8s and eating them alive
@@jamaicanyute8441 5l v8s that have like what 450hp vs the GTR has like what 530hp?
You're right that was just a pointless test.
Not bad for evo
I'll do you better, manual vs dct
Very nice! However, the Evo is NOT a supercar. It's just a 4door saloon that happens to go really fast.
Couldnt agree more
Even if I had the money I would still take the EVO. Its way more practical, even though the GTR is very practical for a super car. And the rest of the money could be dumped into the EVO to make it go just as fast, and probably much faster, while having money left over. The EVO all so doesn't look like a shoe lol. The GTR isn't bad looking, but the EVO looks much better.
***** I love the idea of a road legal rally car. I really like both EVO's and WRX's. And the EVO is just damn good looking.
MrGovenator1 I agree with you guys. My buddies ask me what car I'd choose between these two and they're always surprised to hear me say I'd choose the Evo any day without hesitation!
***** His thought process is "Not V6+ and not 300HP+ = not good car" And yet his Mustang is like driving a land boat. It bounces all over the place. He has no concept of a good handling car. I have to say I like the 2015 Mustang too. I like how it has more rounded surfaces, its not all just a bunch of straight lines. Every one is hating on it, and yet its going to sell like hot cakes.
in australia:
GT-R $200,000
EVO X $70,000
Not an FQ400
With tax or without tax?
In the us gtr 90000 evo 20000
In the uk in 2010 the Evo FQ400 cost £50,000 and the Nissan GTR cost £70,000.
@@USDM_Jesus not an fq tho
I don't care about being the fastest on the roads, since your not suppose to drive like a nut and cause accidents anyway. The Evo is by far fast enough for me and is much better looking IMO. I'll take the Evo. Besides why would anyone compare a car that costs over 100k with a vehicle that costs over 30k. If the GT-R lost the race, that would be pretty pitiful.
but the Fq400 was $65000usd brand new bro , not $35000usd
@@coopsnz1 you saved 35k+ for being just 3 seconds late. Worth it IMO.
Did u not hear the guy u pussy? Only 8 grand of a difference
@@L-Lowe 3 seconds late to the finish line is alot
Why even get a car like this if you are not gonna drive it?
Whys everyone sitting here moaning about the price difference and 'oh its an evo why compare it to a gtr'. That's one of the evos biggest selling points. The fact that it can outperform many machines costing 2 or 3 times what it does is staggering
Only 8 grand cheaper
+Luke Kindred Always good to see you on an Evo video Luke :P Hope you're well brother!
ELP Modelling hahaha the only videos I comment on! xD Doing very well thanks mate hope you are too!
+Luke Kindred I did notice :P Maybe I need to get some more Evo videos up, I miss your comments! Yeah very well thank you. Had a much needed for months rest and "me Time" and I'm back on it now :D
+ELP Modelling I think you definitely should! And I've missed your vids man, they're always nice and relaxed and interesting! I look forward to the future for you anyway👍
He fucked up a gear shift... In a automatic... Well that's new.
realized your name, what a small world
Agreed man
It's not automatic,manual box with paddle shift.
jbooggie6 The semi -auto is a description applied to a clutchless manual box.
andy elliott You've obviously never driven a GT-R and don't understand how it's gearbox works.
I'd take the Evo over the GT-R, even though I love the GT-R, the Evo takes corners a bit quicker, and the 4b11 motor is just amazing allowing a two liter engine to hold 1000+hp without spinning all the way down the road
The EVO never was a supercar. It was the underdog but this FQ400 is set up quite badly.
+Herrdesrings fq400 evo 8 mr . fq360 evo ix, are much faster then the X
+JazN N-Me You're damn right!!! The older 4wd is made to be quick and drives more like a rwd..the Xth 4wd seems to be made for safety similar to the Audi 4wd... almost boring!!! greets from Germany
the GT-R isn't a supercar either
+M Maldonado Errm, pretty much every RUclipsr says they are.
GTR wasn't a's now, it look more like a sport car tho...since it has quit a lot of cargo space
You can tell they are in real life true friends, because of the look that was given after comparing track slalom speed times. Priceless.
I need an Evo in my life.
Do you bought one?
@@feritelezi1830 can't afford one. I'm broke af
It's bloody expensive😭
I just bought one! and it's AMAZING to drive! i feel like a superhuman living his life.
hope you bought one over those past 4 years man. Would've made a good investment considering how expensive they are now!
I am a fanboy of both cars but I think he didn't know how to drive the evo. I have seen Clarkson do better. But today's GTR is a beast.
scrolex Jason Plato .is a Successful Touring car racing driver.Jeremy Clarkson is a motoring journalist .by his own admission his driving is aided by "Smoke & mirrors"
Plato is an awesome driver, but you shouldnt lift the throttle off the Evo in a corner as you would with a normal car, it disrupts the AYC. Keep the throttle in the corner, the car will send the power to the inside two wheels and will do wonders. I swear when you properly drive an Evo its breaking the laws of physics
@@turbosydney I didn't know that feature exists
Don't know why, but I'd prefer the Evo...
Bacta Black I would 100% pick the Evo x
Bacta Black I prefer the evo
good race now let us take it off road :)
Pharez Knights thats what the evo was made for
@@ohslothz4079 oh really . i bet you a new evo XII the gtr would win
Love it!
@@asmiralo oh shut up
asmiralo wrong
The Lancer and Rx8 are two of my fav car designs of all time. I simply just love the way these cars look.
That evo is beautiful.. can't believe I said that about a X.
lol What's wrong with the X?
Nothing. Evo9-fanboy-Kiddies love to hate it.
I don't like the rear of the X.. and the weight.
I own an 8...
+MannyFresh1x wow i love evo 8
I know the Nissan is the much better car and everything but the Evo FQ-400 just looks so fucking badass.
It would be a hard decision for me.
The Evo. You can take 3 babes with you without having to saw their legs off.
You're right... any one of these cars would be too "HARD" for your back... too much pain, is not worth it
Jonny Oliveira Just goes to show how pathetic you are lurking on my channel. The Megane RS is a shit hot hatch but an excellent sports car. You have lost. I have won.
Go away you fucking poor excuse for a human.
amapolishplummer Good luck with the confort in a GTR or EVO... lol
It's quite ironic that you bashed the "regular" Evo in the other video, yet you are praising the harder and less practical FQ400
amapolishplummer you said "it would be a hard decision for me".... it would not, you would turn back and get a ford mondeo because you would be bleeding in pain after driving 2 miles. And these cars don't have LED's or fancy gizmos, is more about the driving, but you're more about the cruising, and having a big boot, etc
0:10 "The 60,000£ Nissan GTR has more computing-power than NASA"
- has no launch control
From Wiki: The Nissan GT-R has electronics to control launch but the company does not use the term "launch control" since some owners have equated the term with turning off the stability control to launch the car, which may void the warranty of the drivetrain. The current version of Nissan GT-R allows user to launch the car by turning the Traction Control to "R" mode.
Little Man But he didnt like fly away as he should, he like rolled away
xBuzz996 he didn't use the launch control.
hunterto99 but he said that there is none
Again, as I've included, the GTR's launch control was hidden in R Mode of the traction control. He probably didn't know that.
@0:38 Holy shit if the EVO had the power to back up those looks.... It looks so much better than the GT-R and the GT-R looks good to begin with, that's hard to beat.
This is why I prefer Top Gear over Fifth Gear, mostly because TG admit they do useless consumers tests and advices, while being funny and FG maybe thinks they do good tests, but hey - they compare times measured by human stopwatch in 2 cars with 2 different drivers... C'mon... What are you testing there exactly?
The two racing drivers are about equal so the laps will be what the car is capable of on the limit.If you use a presenter who is not a racing driver he won't be able to lap at the limit so you never know what the car could do.Also racing drivers are able to reel off a succession of laps within about tenth of a second of the limit.
I agree with you if that was Alonso in one car and Vettel in another... But this - hey - they are not racing drivers at least not anymore, they are presenters. Two of them. You can see Tiff is struggling with reverse, and still they count that. That wasn't race track and surely not the race. It was just some random stopwatch s**t driving including cones. Nothing less nothing more... Really I see no point of this test...
under90seconds Jason Plato is still competing ,and winning in the British Touring Car Championship,he is a multiple champion who has won more BTCC races than anyone in history.Tiff Needell raced for many years in many different types of car including F1.I doubt if Alonso or Vettel would be any faster than these guys in a normal road car.
I didn't know about Plato winning multiple BTCC... Obviously they are good drivers, but each car should be given same conditions, for the test, that's what test is all about. Anyway you have your opinion and I respect that, so let's agree that we don't agree about this video :D
Tiff was on the podium at Le Mans when he raced, 2nd or 3rd iirc. He and Plato are as good as the Stig, if not better.
The Evo raped the GTR on the first test, it's just a case of each car in it's element. The Evo is better in the tight stuff and in poor conditions, and the GTR is faster on good tarmac when it can stretch it's legs. Yeah the GTR is only 8k pound more than the Evo, but maintenance cost are killer by comparison. Always interesting to compare, but really they are different animals. Both are really great cars :)
Yes they are both great. I love almost all japanese cars (excluding the Prius and other cars like that)
that J turn in the evo was boss!
love this comparison!! cool video!! the GT-R is truly in a league of its own!!
Thats because it is in a different league. Poor comparison tbh
GTR is the real supercar, able to take down cars like M5, 911 and R8 for less money (at least initially). Lancer Evolution is just a insanely souped up economy regular sedan, usually costing less than half the price of GTR. Anything it can do that come close to the GTR is amazing. Thats why Lan Evo is amazing car. The super great underdog. Too bad, we will likely never heard the likes of it again.
+Seramics Wait..."able to take down cars like M5, 911 and R8 for less money" Well the M5 is less money... lol
MadFluffyster Xaines you sure now? maybe GTR has inflated massively in recent times.....
Seramics Or it hasnt but the M5 has...
MadFluffyster Xaines so what do u mean, M5 got more expensive or cheaper?
Seramics Well the GTR is still 100k... And when it comes to GTRs you want to buy new dont you? Or is that jsut me not willing to buy a used GTR?
But an M5 from a few years ago with 500+hp you can get for just 15k. :\
My point was it was kind of silly to put the M5 on the list as its cheaper by quite a bit and doesnt have too much similar stats.
Let Tommi Mäkinen to drive that Evo!
he will miss having the yaw-control
I had choose Evo over the GTR. Spend the rest to upgrade it and it would be faster than the GTR and its also a off road car. Probably save some money as well. Evo can be upgraded to 3000 hp.
These japanese machines can toast any V12 engine when tuned.
V12 killer
Best in the planet
Try beat Mustang twin turbo ;)
there isn't a stock twin turbo mustang. put an evo with a twin up against a mustang with a twin. the evo will win.
5 liter twin vs 2 liter twin, the evo doesn't have the slightest chance to win, unless the turbos on the mustang are on like 4 psi
You obviously know nothing about cars if you're making a stupid statement like that. You're just drunk on some Japanese KoolAid.
@@olivierfluet4507 depends on what kind of competition it is.
I want an Evo as my first car lol imo it looks cooler than the GT R
wonderr An Evo is not something you want as a first car. The insurance is insane, the gas mileage is awful if you drive hard, plus, its a lot faster than most people can handle at the age when you first get your license. (16ish??) So, do what I did...get it as your SECOND car ;)
wonderr don't let people destroy your dreams, i always wanted a subaru sti (second plan was evo since i love rally) but after a few years i saved quite the money and finally purchased my dream car.
Cynical I get my license at 18 years old here in Finland and I probably wont get my first car any time soon, more like when I've got a job n stuff. But the Evo is pretty expensive, at least the newest one. But yeah I mean I was just thinking that wouldn't it be cool to have this as your first car.
Oh yeah, for sure it would be sweet as a first car, if you actually had the money and whatnot to pay for it. If you're serious about getting one, some of the older ones are pretty cheap, around the $10,000 mark for mid to late 90's here in Canada, not sure if they're that cheap in Finland. I'd recommend an 06' though. Probably the best year for the Evo, but those are double the price.
***** Lol go for it
The EVO is not only built for the track but its built for offroad as well (if u wanna know why just look at their rally history)
They dis Mitsubishi and put it on the track where obviously it will loose... put these two on even an off road drag race and Mitsubishi will win because it's lighter and designed aerodynamically for rally racing, two different leagues, both amazing. weird comparison.
2:16 - 2:18
Awesome !
Azeem Qadir llkkkii
sooo beautifull i know
My favorite part of the whole video. It’s so beautiful. Idk who the driver is but he did a good job.
I would by the EVO because it is one of the rarest cars...
come to Dubai u will find many and even in very low price 2k usd
@@fahdk-SA 2k? holy shit these cars arent sold for under 20k here in sweden .
GTR is a track car whereas the EVO is a rally car. Hard to compare the two. Performance for dollar EVO obviously wins.
+Simon Christian for 8k pounds difference, as he said, I dont think so.
i think they using stock market cars if they got the rally evo to run that test its should do the job that's what i think.
why would they match EVO X and GT-R, they are in different categories
I agree
Me too o.O
evo competes with the wrx sti
not in Europe or asia only in america because its a downgraded evo x for usa
because that's a FQ400 not the standard evo.
I had a FQ400 , sold it ( big mistake )
I now have 2017 GTR . GTR is obviously faster , but the EVO was more fun
let just appreciate how good they both are at driving
And now they're under the same ownership 😳
Can't wait for the Evo reboot with GTR internals.
I know that a Stock Evo would never beat a stock GTR, however I really like the evo.
Remembering that the Evos are generally used for Rally, where the GTR is a Drifter.
I was lucky to own both cars at the same time.I used them alternatively,for work.Both great fun. 👍 👍
People in the comments section need to stop comparing a rally sedan to a street bound coupe, just appreciate greatness from the both
Oh man it's hard watching this video because I love both of these beauties.
Evo would be more fuel efficient and has 4 doors and more room inside so it'd make a better daily.
GTR is faster and cooler but is no where near as practical.
+kobyashi because people buy sports cars to be practical...
+kobyashi I can guarantee the evo will not be more fuel efficient. They struggle to get above 20mpg. That's what you get when you have 400bhp from a 2l engine. They also need a service every 4000 miles or so
Well said sir.
Nissan doesn't have a "rally" car. They have a sports car (370Z) and the supercar (GT-R). Comparing the 2 is just silly. And lets not get started with the actual tests. If you can't get Reverse engaged, do another run.
+Boris Terekidi bro gtr is not a supercar
not a supercar? LOOL what is it lacking to be a supercar, then? because every website puts it in the supercar categoty.
well its not classed as an exotic, it cant be placed in the same category as lambo and ferraris
@@b0zay Yes it can and is.
The problem with the Evo is that its a 4WD drivetrain in a FWD chassis. When you turn in, the chassis will predominately put more weight on the front, than in the back, essentially making the car continue to act like a FWD car in the corners.
The Two Future Classics. The GTR and The EVO.
man.... the new GTR's are a crazy improvement on these old ones...
Evo Forever
no offense i love evo drivers but you would have a evo over a GTR?
+Jotveer Khangura Is different, Evo is simply awesome, not is the most powerful, but is awesome, 4 times winner rallies.
+Jotveer Khangura evo :)
+RockerPunk idk i would have a GTR over a evo cause its a freaking GTR
Is nice, the two cars
Used to have an fq400 great car, fast as hell.
But I grow out of it, looked very boy racer-inspired.
Also, the fuel costs were ridiculous.
If I went back thou I wouldn't change a thing.
Both great cars and would happily take either if they were given to me, out of my own pocket though i'd take the evo base version and spend the money i saved on upgrades plus it's nice to have 4 doors.
Well, in Canada that's not a fair game the EVO is 51k while the GTR is 118k not quite in the same category.
two of my dream cars damn! the evolution is gorgeous
Both are lovely cars (:
I like how people throw out hp numbers likes it give aways hahaha. 1000 hp easily blah blah blah.
Nissan is the better platform, you pay for it. Evo is below it and it's cheaper. That's about it.
lol stock gtr beats a done up evo..... if the gtr was done up it would be around 1k hp (i said around) it would have smoked that thing love both cars but put a turbo thats not stock into the gtr then see what happens! :)
The evo isn't "done up", it comes from the factory like that in the fq-400 form
But the Evo is a deportive car, the GTR is a SUPERCAR, it's normal that the GTR won
Agustin Guglielmone Really? Supercar? Can you point me in the direction of other supercars that have a 3.8L V6 engine? A supercar that was like 80HP ahead of the Evo.
oh, you are right, sorry... now I know that the GTR is a deportive car too. I said that because most GTRs are tuned-up to compete with supercars, but I was wrong!
That's a stock Evo...
2:15 great turning back!
Finally bought a Nissan GTR R35, took a bloody long time though
Ones a Manual and ones a Dual clutch with shifts measured in milliseconds. A fairer comparison would have been FQ-440
How is it only $8000 more? Here in NZ a FQ400 would be around $60,000 while a GTR is more like $160,000
in nz it would be 100k nzd , 90000 aud / 74000usd / 52000 pounds
Clown Centralia remember these were the early version of these cars
It sad to watch them blame the evo on their mistakes, i have owned a evo X fq400 and it was very hard to get it to understeer if you knew how to drive it
Both great cars. However this comparison is like comparing point-to-point race between a bicycle and a Veyron in a Tokyo heavily congested street.
that EVO got balls, you can't say it didn't hold it's own agains Gojira! c'mon son!
4 cylinder.... really? The GT-R has an awesome engine sound and can easily get tuned to 900HP (where the real fun starts).
its all about preference here in states a gtr is 90k a evo is 35k and if i put another 55k into an evo it would destroy that gt and being honest id only need to put about 30k into it to destroy that gtr even the new one. thats still 25k cheaper than a bone stock gtr. so like i said its about ur angle and ur preff.
Robert Powell The GT-R is in a different category. I would never spend 35k (let an additional 25k!) on a 4 cylinder "sports"car. The GT-R is "cheap" for its capabilities.
***** you can tune the GT-R to 2000 HP actually. Look up AMS tuned GT-R.
Dylan Sanderson I know
The GTR is on a completely different planet of performance
ikr 4cyl turbo vs a 6 cyl turbo is not fair by any means especially on a race course LOL . and the dumb ass said he is disappointed smh
Why there wasn't launch control on gtr ? Is that some sort of budget model ?
Its the older model with under 500bhp (episode is 2+ years old)
Vedang P is that y there is an actual stick shift instead of paddle shifters?
Bel Pires He has paddle shifters. That GTR is an automatic with paddles
i didnt see them, i saw a stick at one point, thats y i asked.
Yes, during power over steering, the GT-R will line up with its huge throttle steer capability and the ATTESA. It won't send over 50% to front wheel therefore less under steer, higher steering response makes it more precise and much linear as he mentioned. Also yes, it's amazing that the Nissan cost just $8,000 more but way faster than EVO. To be honest, EVO can't match GTR even back to 90's with 280 hp of power regulation let alone dealing with a GT-R with higher power to weight ratio. The GT-R doesn't need huge amount of power to dust its rival on back straight but if it does, its rivals are pretty much dead. Well done Nissan.
The fq400 is limited edition so in the future it will cost more and get an fq440 against the gtr and see what that is like I love both cars and been in both so I'm not one sided
WKD GAMING i been in the Final edition as well but still love the GT-R, the FQ400 may have a closer run with GTR but we all know sheer power isn't enough for a GTR
The GTR is a Phenomenal car,.. I've seen quite a lot of videos about it and other cars that is matched with it. The hype surrounding it is not unfounded.. For its Performance, Speed, and Price its definitely an awesome car and the Best Production Super car Japan has to offer..
who says the gtr is a boring, self driven car? look at that thing oversteer and 4wd drift like a boss!
How come all Evo Xs more powerful than the FQ330 specification were 5 speed manual only?
Being from America, the pounds me laugh! Like damn that's a heavy evo! 60,000 pound GTR. How the hell are they even fast with all that weight!? (Yes I know what they mean)
Thats price not weight lol
@@predaxgamer6396 I know. Lol
The only thing that would make this cool is if they were battling on ebisu circuit or something. Go to japan and test them on track!
He mistaken while changing direction, the EVO explode around corners, but this was badly anyway.
god id love to have a evo!
wish i had that evo
i don 't her fuck man!!!!
love evo! rly good design.
They acknowledge the GT-R's technology, but I'm pretty sure the Evo is very technologically advanced also. It knows how you want to take a corner before you do, and when a tire slips accidentally, it sends almost all the power to that wheel to get it to gain traction. Many even call it a "computer on wheels". But even though, no hate to the GT-R. Both cars are amazing in my book.
A rally car vs a track weapon 😐 interesting indeed 😂
The Evo X FQ 400 looks completely evil
It looks sick
If I had the money I would be an Evo X mr and spend on it to get 400 plus hp and on its handling.
now let them race in a rally race
I love those guys driving skills.
Luckily I found and bought an EvoX 1month ago. Amazing car I love it soooooo much
san, ni, "itchy", Go!
LMAO, I know it's just a count down in Japanese, but his pronouncation kills me.
there is a definite driver skill difference.
The Nissan GTR is a track car whereas the Evo is a rally car the GTR is obviously gonna win on any asphalt surface but if this was a race on snow or dirt the Evo would wipe the floor with GTR. This is a very unfair comparison.
+James Postle I'd be seriously curious as to what result a race in the wet would give.
Haris Gr The whole point of the japanese car is to be able to change/swap out parts. Even if the evo is a street car it can easily be changed into what it was meant to be in the first place, a RALLY CAR.
Razvan J gtr may not be the best out there but it will still compete with cars in a much higher price range. That's what makes the gtr so special. It's the sleeper of the supercar world. People might not want to pay 200,00 + for a gt3 when they can get ssimilar performance from something that's nearly half the price.
Razvan J ok fine whatever.
+Razvan J I actually lost brain cells trying to piece together the responses you just wrote. Like, I've babysit 8 year olds who put together a better paragraph then you. You're arguing about something you clearly know nothing about. 😂 That's all, have a good day!
EVO is not just a Sedan its a RALLY LEGEND, and can be a SUPERCAR
Wow just £8000 difference? Fuck me, I'll have 2.
shit comparison of two different cars...i'll still be saving up for my EVO ;)
Ever since High-school this is my dream car. I'm so sad to see the final edition of this line of cars from mitsubishi.
Damn. I love to have one of this...
Stay safe driving evo users...
God bless mitsubishi motors.
As far as vague and down right SHOCKINGLY inaccurate test go this one is surely KING
Nissan owns the mitsubishi now..hope they reproduce evos again with evos uniqueness and Nissan's power..😍
Wait evo was 13 seconds faster the first round and nissan 3 seconds faster second round ? Its 1-1 how can they decide what car is better lol
Teh CupCakes listen from @4:25
@@davidmeloni8282 yes?
@@davidmeloni8282 evo is a rally car lmaoooo
@@tehcupcakes6868 the FQ400 isn't.
@@davidmeloni8282 i mean i searched it up an it clearly says it is
GtR is my dream car.. one day I'll buy it!
R34 is cooler ;)
Jay NJ I like both
yeah if you rob a couple of banks . then you're dream will come true
I guessed right..r u Indian?
humbleyet ankhi No and what does that have to do with my comment ??!!?
so you put a 400bhp evo vs a 480 gtr real world on dynos there making 500 odd so a 100bhp advantage over the evo. thanks like comparing a micra to an astra vxr its pointless the gtr is a grand tourer and the evo is a rally car
its just lee you have to take into consideration bhp/tonne. Evo weighs less so could have the better ratio out of the two. You also have to think about the transmission ratio evo is using.
I'm a Subaru guy, but I can't deny evos have more potential if you want to get a 10second drag car, I really hope they update the sti motor. Hope it's 350hp and a 2.0L that be mint