- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Welcome To The Closure DNA Show
The Platform Of Realities!!!
Season 8 Episode # 21 ZIMRE PARK
Paternity DNA Testing
📲The DNA Man 📲 +263719428436
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Nhai bota family ndiya akumboonawo kuti mynini vanenge sisi Tindo put a like if you notice it
I think vane condition ye twitching variko vsnhu vakadaro plus she is childish
Why at 25 do you want to burden yourself as a 2nd wife to a 42 year old 😩😩😩 we should raise our girls to want more for themselves
Nyaya yekusvotora hamuna kuinzwa here
Kushaya self worth. Kushaya self value. Ari kuratidza kuti ane zvaanotemba uyu. Even looking at her haanzwisisike
You are right but it’s sad how the solution is never teaching boys to behave better. Like good behavior is only to be expected from women. Very sad indeed.
Maiguru is ugly when she is talking
25 vs42
The elder sister is oh-so-beautiful. The grandmother is epic "Haasati ava mukuwasha wangu"
Do you want contact number, ndibate kana Uchida.
Ayewa maiguru vakanaka
But haiwawo...sei vasina basa nemukadzi akaroirwa kare..kuda kungoti chavo chimwana chiroorwe..nxaa
@@maiyeukai9346 kikkkkk hezvoo vayifanira kuita basa nemukadzi akaroorwa kare murume wake akamuroora..
He should have stayed faithful to his wife
@@delanocruz7958 ndipe wangu
The attitude of mother in law is something else … maiguru will always have the upper hand😂 … the elder sister is so beautiful ❤
Havasi wemumusha imomo atori mubvandiripo 63%pari kurewa kuti baba wevana naiwo Tete vahombe varikusangana Kuna Mai chete not Kuna baba
Ngawatotanga kufambirawo dzawo nyaya kutsvagawo baba vawo
The disrespect of these two people of coming on a public platform to not only announce kuti vakaroorana and have a child to amaiguru and maiguru's people in front of the world. The utter disrespect!
Loved the man's last advice, hanzi that's the only way of proving that hatina kucheatwa iye ariye ariku cheatera mukadzi wake wemumba😂
,😂😂😂😂like a man whos watching the football match with a side chick .he realises that the refereee is cheating the game
Imagine the guts ane varume vevanhu
Kkkjj😂😂mbavha haidi kubirwa
Imagine finding out your husband has a whole side via this show
its sad,
Pakaipa shame
That is wat is going to happen which is not good at all
Have been think that too it's so difficult veduwe
Vanhu ava havadanani ava from the way they express themselves
Imagine calling a 42 year old Bamunini une 28 years haaaa this world is not balancing
Ko ndi bamunini kkkk hazvinei ne age 😅
Age is just a number
Face yamainini 😂🤣😂🙌yakatodhakwa zvayo hameno zvaingori kuita munhu wemutoriro
kkkk she looks like jon chibadura. she almost became a maan
kkkkkkkkk iko kufinyama kunge vanhu varikugovana zvinonhuwa
Apa kutoda kundoona Hama apa musoro😢😂😂😂😂
Ehe nhai😂
Imagine kuñgo ona Baba vobuda pa TV usinga zivi 😂😂😂😂 Uno fenda , roorwai moga
I can feel for first wife shame murume uyu Jaana kurongeka
Wotoshaya kuti aitirei live mkadzi haasi kuziva
Nhai henyu kuhura kwakadai wotorana nemunhu anouraya first wife
Benzi remurume nxii
Haaah iwe roorwa tiwande. Havasi vose vanodaro 😂😂😂😂
This guy chose a wrong family😂😂😂,they will show him flames,he wont cheat again😂😂😂,women u cant agree to be a side chick and expect to be treated the same with first wife,maybe if he married her as his 2nd wife then they can get 50/50
50/50 haiko..zvemaConditions izvo kudhara
This woman ari kutembei? Unfortunately anoita suffer kazhinji is the 1st wife.
Even that man won't be getting 💯 % from first wife or the 2nd or whatever number of wives he will be having kikkkkk. Hapana mkadzi anenge achamuda dununu uyo
De go sho ham pepe😂😂😂😂chiii,,,,
Am I the only one who noticed mainini's eyelashes 😂..this girl is silly nxaaaa
She looks older than her sis
😂😂 they were annoying me the whole time
Even me too i was so annoyed chii chakadaro😂
Ko ayishadho😂😅 yanga ichinditeya the whole time. Kuuya akagadzirira kuti maiguru vaone kuti chibhebhi heheeede. Unoseka ukazvirega. Dai atorega hake zve make up izvi
What a disrespectful man. Hanzi 15% wotoaccepter but ndiwe wakananga munhu knowing une mhuri kare and giving this girl hope yekuti unogona barika only to change musambo mimba yaapo. A bad lesson for girls to avoid situations like this where you try to squeeze in pamurume ane mhuri yake kudhara. Self respect is important kuti musikana arege kupinda achiziva kuti munhu uyu ane mukadzi. No woman accepts kuunzirwa umwe mukadzi wonzi ndakuendesa 15% kunamainini iye akawanikwa achiti murume ndewangu 100%
Very true
pese pandakaona mukadzi anochallenger murume ane paanozobatwa chte.......but zvmataura hapana chakaipa itori lesson thank you
Baba ava naambuya ndivo vaifanira kunge varimukadzi nemurume
He was showing signs of being a controlling person
Is it me or the older sister looks younger than the alleged mother even though hake she’s more mature than the mother 🥰🥰🥰
Mother vakutoredzera kuharahwa yavarikurara nayo
The burden she put on herself caused her to look older
Kuzobvuma kuita DNA kuvana vese vachatevera😮
haaaaaa varume vanozviitira hutsinye shuwa kufinyamirwa finyamirwa nepwere kudai😢😢😢😢😢😢
Sisi ava bho here...facial expressions iyo ndeye bhishu.lni ndiri sisi or mai andibudikiri pa zvinhu zvakadai.varumewo matope vanomada asi chii nhai
Firstly mukadzi uyo dzakatonyatsokwana here I feel sorry for maiguru zvangu varume so puuuuuuu
I feel sorry for the first wife team iri rine dzungu 😢😢
Apa hapana chavarikuzuva maiguru vari kumba, asi varume muchaita denga rekugugula, apa murume arikurongerwa nevamwe vakadzi shuwa, ndachema zvangu
@@ellenjinjika1399 imagine hako
Wotozoita kuzvionerawo paTv or pafoni huuu unoita seunotsva iwe
Very sad💔
Amen katatu
I don't have much to say except that "MAIGURU IS BEAUTIFUL"
U can say that again and again 🤣
I think chero ivo mai vakasashungurudzwa the potential is there; munhu haangasimbi ne15%.
kana ndimiwo ingati mudhara uyu anga asingaoni achienda kune uyo
I sponono shuwa
Isimbi mdhara kkkk
I can imagine the relatives and friends for the big wife , mongoona munhu achibuda pa tv for DNA ndo disrespect chaiyo iyi , varume musadaro , don’t take Vamwe vanhu for granted like this , I can smell fire 🔥
Zvinorwadza shame kuzoonera ma tv
Varume vagara vakadaro vaneutsinye
Someone tag big house 😢please. Tikuda kugadzirisa nyika
I would like to ask Mr Mugabe to ask totems from his clients when he starts his shows.for this episode I think the ladies ndivana chihera.😅😅😢
E.g. forogonya, that’s not it, nevamwe vandakanganwa
But wo murume arasa muromo ungabva wati15%here zvirwadza unovaitirei vakadzi2 vacho ita zvaunokwanisa
Ukwane iwe kambwa chihera kuita sei kwacho
@@lilianmagaya8815 madzimai veWhite sunglasses and vamwe vekaitira paruware soo vakafara vasati vanzwa neshona😂
She has an attitude
Maiweeeee...very ugly attitude
Yechihure hure 😂😂
Kuganhira kubva pataurwa maresults ahachanyarare
as a 40 years old man if baba avo is 42 then ini hangu bva ndine 30🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, kuzoti adzimai 26 aaah bva ini ndine 20years kkkk
😅😂😅chihure chinochembedza plus vanenge varikushota magrapes 😂
Taura hako he is not 42 anyara kutaura pacamera
Taura ndambozvitaura kumusoro uko vane 50 chete 42 azvibudi
Tambai mushe
kkkk haaa best show ever,the calmness of Tinashe, ko murume anoti the first wife ahasati akuziva yet he is live on show anty maiguru vakaona show zvatodhakwa here vasati vaudzwa formally
Imagine vakadzi variku jairirwa kunze uko🙌🏿
The level of disrespect is unheard of and also he is not 42 but 57. Ma 40 year old vanhy va 1983 and they don't look that old
I think pakunoita DNA test tisaende as if ndikunongedza mkadzi wangu chihure let's do it maturely way I think if we inherit that in ourselves we'll be a happy family zvisaita sekunge tikuda kushambadza chihure chemkadzi because mostly thus how woman feels when we go for this DNA process
Varume vachinyanya ..they leave their faithful wives vononyadziswa pamberi penyika kudai... Lets hope inobuda result iri 99.9%
Nowadays "faithful", wives are rare mudzimba mune ma_secrets umo men looking after vana vasiri vavo.
. Cheating wives
Apa anoda 50.50 iye akamuda achievable kiti murume wemunhu
Yooo 🙆 mainini's facial expression after announcement of the 15% to 85% ratio! This man is in big trouble 🤣🤣🤣
It's true ndakutoda maiguru
That man is a liar he gives both women 15%... 85% to himself. Between Maiguru and mainini he likely has another woman or vakatowanda. Kwamaiguru Ibako rekuhwanda kana zvayipa wowana pekurwarira
@@chiyenyumba7135 111111111111111111111111
he's going to pay for that statement..haiperi yakadero nyaya yacho🤣
Haaaaa mainini ava ka ava....handidi hangu kutaura kuti mudhara uyu anonzi ane 42 years akavawana kupi.
My sister know your worth don't settle for less aaa Zirume harikudi iro you worth more than 15 percent ukagara mu relationship iyi you will end up looking older than your mother don't agree to be the second verse to anyone you are beautiful
Chokwadi 👏🏽 👏🏽
Kumwe kuzvidzikisira kwacho surrender
Even now she looks very old
Mainini have got no one to blame .She knew what she was getting herself into at first. She must take it all leave it 15% all nothing at all 🤣🤣🤣 .varume soo ka🙌🙌
Imagine wongoona baba vako on this show nemukadzi uyu like this😅😅😅...sidenote, maiguru is pretty 😍
Even the alleged mother is beautiful. It's only that she's overused plus anekakupengereka chete.
Aka ka team aka kanovhengedzera iii gulez mnje hanzi pandri kudzoka next week ndoda kutanbirwa ne birth ewoooo akutoita kunge ndiye mai avcho vakabereka kwaaaaa . Newewo dhara iii wakanyanya hanzi knaa mwana asiri wangu ndee ndskutodawo wekwedu iyawozve kakaremera dhara kamwana ako😂. Mu wish is to see maiguru vekumba kuti vakamboita seiwo vari kuitirwa masaramusi ese iwaya
Chimaiguru chinongofinyama zvisina bsa icho
Guys nhasi chinondijamba magetsi akutoenda na6 odzoka na10 pm haaa .bota family love you all guys ❤
Maiguru is beautiful ❤
Natural beauty
Ndimainini avo tiri kuvharwa
yes pari kungo shaika mvura chete and marii anenge eribbe bho ekatowana izozo
These guys' understanding of ratio and negotiation skills is top class. 😂😂😂. Camera guy pays attention to detail, he's great! But I liked the lady's reaction after the 15% to 85% pronouncement by the alleged father😂😂😂
That comment about people over 18 being able to do whatever they want is why he's in this situation. Taking advantage. Mxm
The sister to the alleged mother is so beautiful
Sisi manyama
Kkkkkk hanzi namainni achabva mu15ozoenda,mu120
And looks like she is the younger sister ....
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Nhasi ndaseka!! You all saying Baba is in trouble, yeyi?? Ndomubairo we chihure. Manje Mainini havasati vatanga. Lover her! :)
She is just like you...vanotora varume vari married. Muzvifarire zvegehena
Does she have the right to demand any percentage from someone else's husband? His first wife deserves 100%.
She doesn't have any right she must go find her own husband and the man is very wrong
The new wife must get a higher percentage because the older one has been enjoying 100% alone in the past
The way mudhara uyo is soo relaxed makes it look like barika chinhu chiri bhoooo. Gaya vakadzi vachikurwira ma % ako 😅😅😅
Yes she has the right cz murume ndozvakada zve second wife
Yes she has to demand 😊
I think we must teach our daughters to work hard and to go to school not just kungoita chiname pane munhu ane mukadzi wake uye ari old zvadaro. Girls girls pliz muti rwadzisa isu vabereki nekuti shoresa munharaunda kunyanya isu ana amai
25/40 x100 wobeka comma......murume akurisa uyu
I agree with you
Its sad ende vana vscho havatomboone kuipa kwazvo 💔
True definition of BISHU rechirume, chii chakadaro nhai.
Mukoma wemskana is so beautiful. In fact, she looks younger than her younger suster, but wakafitira kushusha 😂😂
Kamukadzi aka, kane mumuromo musina respect,
Mafacial expressions amainini ungati ndiOscar Pambuka😅😅.. They must be related lol
Pa Age apa pa Age mkoma wangu,murijeri renyu mega.tuvana tuduku itu, munopinda busy.munoshorwa.
Munhu anenge arikurova guka uyo
Ummm facial expressions hanziiko 😂😂
Anotongotyisa mukadzi wacho maitiro ake I think ndewe ma drugs chete
Maiguru is soo naturally beautiful she even looks younger than mainin. Ko mhama kuzenge vakaofeka shangu dze one side wani, makiss dhondoro here anobva abudikira vakagara
Ambuya has got that I don't care attitude though this guy is so soft and humble. Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzamatowo. Many thanks to the dna man, you are pulling a lot of people out from the mud. Thumbs up
Maiguru is beautiful and looks much younger than her young sister
Ndiri kutowada zvangu ini
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Aaaa Reuben siyai kuchiva
@@takundamutara3480 harisi ruchiwa ndawada zvangu
Mainini vari kushaya mafuro chete .wakawana feeding ne peace of mind i good futi kkk
Young sister wanotochemberazve wachiyamwiya neharahwa iyi
Iyi ndiyo inonzi wrong manje iyi according to me. Maiguru dai muri kutonyara kushama muromo pamurume wemunhu. Umnmnmn hunhu uwu ndautadza maitiro amunoita kwenyu.
Baba ava to me havana kukwana maitiro avari kuita zvinhu zvavo at the expense of the woman ari kumba. I don't even trust chero 85% yavari kutaura.
Smell house iyi umnmn to me ma1. Kakuchenama. Kakuzvitemba. Umnmnmn akatsika pai. Handione direction pana sisi ava. Uyu ndiye porongi big time. Kuda kungozadza jecha mupoto dzavamwe. Kwake kushaya wake here murume. Kuzvitunhidza chaiko
Pane achachema chete munyaya iyi.
Mwana uyu ka. Regai ndichichengeta angu mashoko.
VaMugabe. God bless you
Varume vachinyanya challenge yevanhu ava kudheerera munhu mukuru kudai
Ivo baba avo kutoshama muromo hanzi tinenge taakuti vatiiterewo wedu iiiiiii ndakarohwa nehana
Uuuuu ndabatikana vakadyiswa baba avo, havachapukunyuki apo. Uyo mupengo chaiwo
@@sukaimasvingise2051 Gudo guru peta muswe...
At 42 kuita zvinhu zvinonyadzisa kudaro kusvika pakunzi iwe nemwana ane 26years puuu baba munonyadzisa imi
Apa smell house yacho haaa baba iwrong turn iyo
If he doesnt comply this girl with disrupt his marriage. He has himself to blame
Iyi family yekumukadzi moto chaiwo ndokuti madhara mupfidze
The older sister is beautiful and looks younger than the alleged mother
The alleged mother is not old. She's overused chete. With money she can look beautfuller than most of ghosts commenting here.
Mother cannot be alleged apa she carried the baby unless pakaita exchange
& then this genius decides to come on the most popular show in the country without his wife knowing. 😂😂😂
Amaiguru is beautiful ❤️
The mother and her two daughters have beautiful hairstyles. It's 🔥 🔥
Player player caught in the mix though authenticity needed be proven in such a relationship but the man knew et covered his back for a short time , because of mother equally kuchenama on comms gave him pressure for assurance , global represented well. On both sides make it authentic for all involved Inc extended fam to be enlightened healthily and respectfully. Asi baba ava ngavakure otherwise third wife is coming or young wife has potential to skidaddle .Mugabe thank you 😄
It's sad that Amwene is anticipating roora paharanga yavo and forgetting kuti itorinewo mhosva hombe yekudanana nemurume wemunhu
Our own paternity court ❤❤
We become suspects becoz of the way we behave as woman the way we talk nd the way we respond can paint our characters chero usina zvawaita unongofungirwa kuti pane zvawaita wrong , "zvese bho nekakufinyama paside ", Asi Tinashe basa bho ,unenge wakamboita mu Pathfinder chete
Haaaa muchazvirega madhara uko ndokuzvivesera moto muziso kwamakaita kkkkkk
Kamainini aka kanenge kachembere kkkk zvakafitana nekadhara aka 😂😂 bota
They're all beautiful in their own way and am happy that the result came out positive....
@Susan Ntando beautiful in their own way as a couple or as mainini or you're talking about her involuntary facial expressions?
This man 😢 having the probability of paternity 99% does not mean she didn't cheat wakangoitawo luck rekugohwesa otherwise unogona kurima parikurimwa nevamwe
Lmao he is literally cheating on his wife with her. That's probably whh he doesn't trust mainini. Iye ndoohunhu hwavo baba ava. 🚮
Normalizing chihure...vari kutoshingirira tsvakirai kuno, funny how she is so comfortable in being a second wife zvisiri kana formal...women! We can do better than this ,, hanzi takamirira kupfeka ma java😂😂😂 hayaa zvonzwisa tsitsi
Kutishoresa vakadzi kkk
Siya mwanasikana. Murume loves his wife very much. Tsvaga vako we 100% NOT 15%.Unofa nema stress asina basa.Tiza ne life yako.
Kikkkkk that man loves no one but himself... He is just saying that to please his wife. Even if that woman goes he will still find someone.... If he ever loved his wife why would he be saying he wants more vana with this woman.
Camera man wa Tinashe Mugabe anopedza basa 🙌🙌🙌😂😂
Am finished
Varume vanozvipinzirei busy nhai😂😂😂😂 baba ava varipama1 chaiwoo nehanzvadzi yaOsca iyi🙌🏼😂😂
Tine dzungu varume
Hot soup nemupengo
Hanzvadzi ya Oscar 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Baba dzokerai kumhuri imi munofa murirombe risina musha namainn avo imi munofunga munogara namainn avo kusvikepi.toti Maiguru vaenda
Zvikafamba mushe mudhara uyo anoita bamunini vangu... Yhoo gulez is beautiful ❤
Ahhh Kuda🤣🤣
🤣 🤣 🤣 Sure
Baba is stressing this woman she now looks older than her elder sister.
She is as old as the man she is sleeping with, 😂
ndaiti ndini ndega ndazviona
Akachembera kudhara..urikuti chakaita atorane nedhara iro chii
@@Frank_Bros taura hako
Makurire akaita murume uyu apa achinzi "iyeyu, iye" guys musangobvise hembe chek age also
Nhai nhai zvinonyadzisa
I wonder what maiguru is going through varikumba kwavo vachiona chirongwa varume denga muchaita rwkugoogler,pane anoziva matablets ekupfinyama asking for a friend
Mainini is taking overdose bcoz hmmm vanopfinyama🫣
This guy is using charm how come this 25 years old gal stick with him knowing his married , Tinashe pls connect me with the older sister i love her..
Sisi hamudiwo here ndiite munin'ina wenyu .
Maiguru is beauty with brains
Mainini too much frowning makuratidza sekuti murimubombe kuna sisi
Gogo mune kaVibe kandodaso mune kaTHAT
Baba munhu kana ada barika if you want to stay in peace balancisai zve 85:15 izvo mofa neBP .
Inga varume vanogumbura Dani, I feel for the first wife 😢
🎉🎉😂😅 cameraman never disappointed pa 27 minutes apa haaa ndafara
Mainini hutano bhoo here,love you Bota family
Mainini ngavanorapwa vanorwara ko iko kuzozvida koiye face zvairikuitwa kkkkkk
Matoita ma Visual Tests kare😂😂😂
@ethel vanosimba nepai pa 15% ipapo
She is very good we tend to think kuti kana akafuta ndokuti hutano sometimes she is going through a lot that we can't see bihind scenes
the camera man understood the task focusing on the girls face when the man was talking about the miscarriage
ko asisaona elder sister here. She even looks younger that lil sis besides being a heart stopper and eye catcher
Maiguru looks so young than the younger sis😮
Maiguru kanyama zvako❤❤
Those 3 ladies are TOXIC 😮, this man is in BIG trouble
How so?! He’s the one lying to his wife
😂 I laughed at, how women are scapegoats for misbehaving men
haaa its foolishness from us man nekuti achatambudzwa nekaka
Kana ini ndazviona. Toxic women uyu akatora murume wemunhu plus maattitude avo havo is it for show or what this is real life moss indava kubwaira bwaira maziso kwakanaka here. Maiguru at home doesnt even know this hupenyu hwakaoma veduwee🤣🤣🤣🤣
Family yekumukadzi imi mukwane shuwa munganomiririra chihure chakaitwa nemwana kutora murume wemunhu achiziva hake ngatifungirewo vamwe please
Ummmmm family iyi itsvina chaiyo kunyenama twusipo uno deserver 15% chaiyo benzi kana amaiguru kàna amai vacho dhothi masipara .Uye mainini kaface kakaoma kunge kusina ropa amaiguru so beautiful kunge ndivo munin'ina wacho
People who date married men just disgusts me especially achikuudza kuti I love my wife & family. Worse kuzoita mwana naye just another level of foolishness sies.
Tell them Thabeth
Kusatokwana taura hako
Zvinorwadza mhani zvinoitwz ndivana marwei ava.i dont usually watch nyaya yembwa idzodzi mxxxxxxxm
Yaaa mwana ndewei ipapa .kusakwana uko munhu ane mukadzi wake aaaa
Eheeee baba avo 42 yrs 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 mujolo is nyising this guy
He looks older than just 42
Cameramen you are on top of your game💪
l like mama, mushona chaiye, she knows zvinofanirwa kuitwa chaiko well done mama
Zvose hazvina basa izvo. Maiguru kanhi!!!! Vane zvinhu zvavo, ndatenda hangu. Varume ngatigutsikane nemukadzi one. Unoda vakadzi vakawnda zvinohwinhisiwa here
Ummmm baba ava!! Marriage iyi!!, age difference iyi!! Facial expressions ya mai ava!! All red flags!!
Ndambofunga kuti hamheno chaarikudya chaachengeta mumukanwa .
Kunge varikudya tsubvu.
@@hazvineindoro9877 maiweeee hanzi tsubvu wandipedza kkkkk
What I love the most about these 3 ladies it's their natural beauty. Muchinda uyu ndamushaira mashoko because haasi serious nemwana wevaridzi akavimbika kudai.
Yes beautiful natural hair confidence in who you are
Benzi musikana anovimbika pamurume wemunhu
@@nyashamareger8852 murume uyo ndiye benzi plus benzi hombe mukadzi agere nemurume anoudza pasi rese kuti he will have more children
@@nyashamareger8852 barika ririko mwana wamai but that man clearly shows kuti haarigone barika racho. Inini zvangu personally I can't blame that young lady anga abvuma zvake kuenda pachipari but murume haasi fair the way he is managing the whole situation. Murume ngaaenzanise rudo kumadzimai ake ari 2 kwete zvake zve 85% ne 15% hazvina kunaka ndiye akapfimba mwana wevaridzi
Mmmmmmm mainini apa makawira .mhoti ne age yenyu na baba zvakaoma sure.
Can imagine seeing your husband on the Show ..the shock the confusion unoita seiunopenga
U can say that again unotonzwa moto muviri wese aaaahh veduwe
Haaa team redu ririkufamba richioorongora sorry shame🙌🙌
Im so touched munoziva.imagine mukadzi wababa ava 😢😢😢 achatotanga kuzvizivira pa show iyi kut baba vane mumwe mukadzi.and nyaya dzakadai dzinotanga kuonekwa nema next door vobva vauya vachikuudxa
Imagine ...murume uyu nxii
I love the song ❤and the introduction the DNA man.
I love this guy, never mind what he has gotten himself into. The way he answears every question.. Like Harvey from the series Suits
akanyanya ka probably he will defend himself like Harvey when the wife finds out
@@kennedymsengezi718 😂, he probably will
Mainini is like she is connected pa magetsi hameno zvaarikungoitaso
Maiguru is cute 🥰
Tsvakirai kuno is the starting point to me. Vamwe hawasati vatobvisa.
Ukada varume vevanhu umokasika kuchembera nekunyangara zvese same time, Maiguru is beautiful😄
Mai Charamba lite
Usafananidze Mai vaye nechinhu icho kkkk
Baba avo he is in trouble 🤣🤣🤣🔥
Sis ava dai vari munin'ina wangu, ndaitanga ndakurova ndobva ndaramba kuenda newe kuTv ndinyadziswe hangu pajekerere. She is very lucky. 😂😂😂
Taura hako
Mwana sikana akarasika kwete mbichana yoooo, apa big sis is beautiful, Mwana uyu iiiii hapana, manje akada madhara ekujacha anodzikamisa vanhu, anonodzikama kumba
Zvinhu hazvo zvinenge zvakaitika zvisiri pamutemo but ambhuya avo kuudza munhu kuti haasati avemukuwasha wangu kudyara mhodzi yeruvengo pahukama. Amaiguru talks sense than mainini avo. Ambhuya zvimabhutsu zvakapeyama hope imi makaita zvekukumbirwa.