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I didn't know it was possible to get "go forth and multply" without getting some kind of resolution to Oksane & the vamps... what happens if you do it out of order?
It can take longer to get enough kids at the Temple, and IIRC Grug goes with you to the family farm during "Mouths To Feed" rather than Oksana. Never actually done it myself.
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I didn't know it was possible to get "go forth and multply" without getting some kind of resolution to Oksane & the vamps... what happens if you do it out of order?
Then Oksana dosnet join you on the quests at the Family Farm. Go on the MEGA link for images (Main Page) & check Oksana & Julia's scenes. Theres a version where Oksana isnt there for the reunion. Dunno if you can still do the rest of her questline... o think you can I'm just not sure the overall effect it has on her story.


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Grug goes with you to the family farm during "Mouths To Feed" rather than Oksana. Never actually done it myself.
Really? In the MEGA file it looks like MC is just by himself... That's interesting if its true tho.

Personally while I have nothing against Grug (I let him do Ziva 1st time cos 1: She barley knows MC & 2: I cant be bothered to fight him) but yeah I dont trust him near MC's sister. That's why I always help Oakly, ain't no way that big tree be stealing girls :ROFLMAO:


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Then Oksana dosnet join you on the quests at the Family Farm. Go on the MEGA link for images (Main Page) & check Oksana & Julia's scenes. Theres a version where Oksana isnt there for the reunion. Dunno if you can still do the rest of her questline... o think you can I'm just not sure the overall effect it has on her story.
I imagined there was a version were Oksana isn't there, because there is a choice where Oksana doesn't get corrupted and therefore doesn't become a drunk and join the temple (I've never tested this though, so maybe I'm wrong, maybe she becomes a drunk anyway for other reasons).
So like I said, Are you sure that you can do "go forth and multiple" without resolving Oksanas previous content, I would have bet money that this quest would be locked until you did (not counting glitches)


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I imagined there was a version were Oksana isn't there, because there is a choice where Oksana doesn't get corrupted and therefore doesn't become a drunk and join the temple (I've never tested this though, so maybe I'm wrong, maybe she becomes a drunk anyway for other reasons).
So like I said, Are you sure that you can do "go forth and multiple" without resolving Oksanas previous content, I would have bet money that this quest would be locked until you did (not counting glitches)
Yes you can because if she leaves forever (dosent become a drunk) or dies you can continue the game. As far as I'm aware you can resolve her issues later & u do all her Temple quests but the arc skips the Farm part if you have already done that.

As far as I'm aware. That is how it seems from everything I have witnessed. I'm not 100% tho so I'm willing to be corrected by anyone more knowledgeable on the course way things play out in this scenario.


You need 5 kids I beleive (technically might be 6 as I'm not sure if Alice's 1st kid counts) but I would suggest completing Oksana/Vampire story before that.

Also once you have the kids you have to be visited by the "Ghost" in bed 2 times (sleep & she MAY appear in the morning but the RNG is a bit wack).
yeah see, i have like 13 kids, and i've think i've done the ghost quest, but "go forth and multiply is still there in my active quest list
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also i'm done with all the vamp quests


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you mean the ring? yeah i've done that quest. i don't have any dialogue choices for ziva atm
You get your mother's ring at the family farm. "Go Forth And Multiply" must be completed before you can go to the farm. How did you do the ring stuff without "GFAM" being completed? Did you edit your game files?
Or are you thinking instead of the shard rings, which are needed for the vampire quests?


You get your mother's ring at the family farm. "Go Forth And Multiply" must be completed before you can go to the farm. How did you do the ring stuff without "GFAM" being completed? Did you edit your game files?
Or are you thinking instead of the shard rings, which are needed for the vampire quests?
no i did the farm stuff, i haven't edited my save any, "GFAM" just never completed. here i'll include my save in this post. maybe someone can figure out what's gone wrong


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yeah see, i have like 13 kids, and i've think i've done the ghost quest, but "go forth and multiply is still there in my active quest list
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also i'm done with all the vamp quests
It should go:
-Second Ghost visit

-Speak to Ziva & she should send u into town to find Oksana. (This should finish the quest if u did the vamps & lied to Oksana)

-Complet Oksana's Temple training.

-Mouths To Feed & Monster Hunter.

-Cinnect with Julia until wedding & get ring.

You should have finished that quest on the second point in this list....
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