He'd still work on it anyway, don't worry!
There!, he said it himself!
R E J O I C E !
I already talked about avoiding ghost mode in the previous page buddy!
You're welcome!
''Pirate stuff''?
Explore the grotto with Ikki and eventually you'll find it.
As for Izumi's anal scene:
1- Help Azula win cards and give it to her in the bum at the shack.
2- Izumi will ask for HER taking it in the bum by herself and you'll get to the part where you can joke around with the message that'll get sent by Hawky.
3- Wait for 3 days and you'll get the lube for giving it to Izumi in the bum.
And finally
4- Don't help anyone at winning cards and get to The Shack at night and you'll find the button ''Izumi'', enjoy exploring the other scenes!
I'm not sure what you mean by ''other routes'' cuz I don't even know what routes you even picked for each!
If you mean revisiting the routes you already completed, then you can go to The Shack at night and click/tap on ''Spirit/Nagina'' (Whoever you chose from them) and then you choose which Book you'd like to revisit!
Orrrr if you mean that you wanna explore the other routes for each book, then it won't be as boring as you think it'd be!
Each of The Slave Route and Love Route in each book has it's own story, events, jokes, lines and scenes! (Except for Book 1, the difference is as big as other books tbh.)
Trust me, you'll enjoy it! (Also STRONGLY depends on
YOUR personal preferences..)
You can just skip Books to wherever point you want to btw, but it's not worth it if you care about the story, events, jokes, lines and/or scenes.
ORRRRR.... if you mean by how to reach which Epilogue...
The Epilogue you'll get to depends on what route you'll go with in Book 4. The other books will just affect some lines of the previous main girls you dealt with in the past, but the story won't really get affected by which route you picked for each book.
To put it simply:
(BK4 Slave Route = Slave Epilogue, BK4 Love Route = Love Epilogue)
Which means you can simply skip to Book 4 at the poiint of choosing which nation you'd want to get to if you're talking about the Epilogue.
Phew, I wrote for like less than 30 minutes! (That's how I feel, also was revising for any grammatical/spelling errors!)
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Oh and also...
Stay Hydrated!
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G L U C K !