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I usually hate to say, " I told you so" but, today I make an exception. To some my correctness and accuracy may be a stroke of good luck. As everything I claimed is 100% Fact. Now this announcement is not for me to brag. No, it's for me to bring a new player to the endless game of Rex Campbell.

Enter: Dawson Ray. For those who picked up on my Easter eggs above regarding Mr. Dawson you would have found that once the approx 50K came in for Rex's first day of O.F. His friend or shall I say special friend, Dawson chose to switch gears from a so-so music career to wanting his own O.F cash. Dawson played it exactly like we knew he would. He stared his own O. F. Meaning, it was free but, now isn't because most of you refuse to believe despite the unwavering proof within these 18 pages and from myself and @Dicksnot relentless work.

One slight issue: He doesn't have nearly the following as Rex.

Solution to said issue: Post more spicy content and because of the lack of ppl coming this means you can take the time to get to know him [like I have for the past 2 years] because he usually replies and is forthcoming and honest. This is a splendid opportunity for those who want to stay tethered to Rex without having to pay a dime. Dawson also helps Rex with his content thus knows what it will be posted before we do.

For those whom gotten this far. I don't come empty handed. The grass is always greener on the other side. This is Dawson second post on OF and in comparison to Rex...Rex is running out of time and quicker than he thinks as there's snake in his house and he's named
Dawson Ray.

Stay Weird Folks,

P.S: Koddos in advance to those who start a Dawson Gray Thread.
Rex likely didn't make $1000 let alone 50k on the OF. There was a snap on Cody's story showing Rex's phone with "top 90% of OF." I think it's like the top 3-5% that have actually made thousands and top .0XX% would be 50k+. Still, whatever he made is more than he deserves with nothing but reposted IG/twitter/tiktok content.

Anyway, thanks for the pic.
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Yeah, he definitely didn't make 50k, if he's charging $10, and he's not even in the top 10%, he doesn't even have 100 subs.

Rex is not popular enough to earn a load from OF so early on, the only way he's made anything close to 50k is if someone has donated 45k to him.

I imagine people do donate money for nothing since he's almost 20 and hasn't had a job yet and keeps asking people to give him money via cashapp meaning people have before, or he would have stopped asking a long time ago.
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I'm currently working on getting confirmation on the total number as initially 50K was what was projected but, it's looking like more between 12-15K. Not 100% confirmed yet.
These numbers....on his first day? Sire Jan. He isn't a mainstream "celebrity" like Bhad Bahbie or Bella Thorn (and even calling them celebrities is charitable at best) so there's no way Rex is pulling in 50K. I doubt he even pulled 10K the way he was begging on his brothers snapchat. They couldn't even pay for dinner. Quit funding this boys life, and leave him behind. He and his little gang don't respect or even care about you. It's the patrick Leblanc thing all over again
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View attachment 70480751

Let's get back to sharing content instead of speculating about his personal life and who he'll scam next! The first OF exclusive pic :rolleyes:
While I understand your perspective. Tell me, what's prevent you from doing so? Share away. However, we can do anything we'd like within the guidelines of this site. As can you. Here's an example, or a suggestion or 2. Go start you own thread. Better still, stop telling others what they should and shouldn't be speaking about. I believe this called, gatekeeping. Which as it turns out is actually, against the guideline. So please tell me what specifically were you trying to accomplish here?

I'm glad you are enjoying the content but, gatekeeping when you can simply mute me seems slightly aggressive. Perhaps you should worry about what your doing before working about what other are.
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