James Doran - The Circle Uk Series 2

He doesn’t post every day he posts a couple of times a week. I can’t wait for my subscription to end it was a waste of money. He sends messages and does live his last live he smoked weed which last time I looked it’s illegal in the uk !!
Share his dick pic please hahaha or inbox me x
This is actually hilarious hahaha. Ferguson you have WAY too much time on your hands, along with a lot of self hatred by the sounds of things. Scrolling through this thread and you’ve said nothing but negative things since the very start, then I decided to click on your profile to check your other posts...and it’s same for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You just sound like a whiny little bitch who hates life, it’s getting boring. Along with your little sidekick J4K3 hahaha (Who comes across as another miserable boy fed up with his shitty little life so he comes and escapes on here and tries to put other people down and make himself feel better). You BOTH literally tag team together on every single thread (go and check it out people), bumming each others comments, spraying venom and hatred... it’s kinda cute lol. Then we have Carla (who does the same on other posts, go check) aka xtina (OnlyFans) aka KAREN hahaha, you’ve now been blocked with a refund, so enjoy your free content. Crying and calling me a c*nt because I postponed (not even cancelled) a live and saying ‘you wouldn’t tell your boss you stayed off because you were fucking’ I’m sorry but I never had to have to get a hard on in work, in any job I’ve had, believe it or not. Back to you ‘Fed up Fergie’ aka Ferguson, you’ve been subbed for longer than a month so why did you renew, strange that? Especially after saying how ugly I was whilst on was on the show, lol. Did you try an OnlyFans and it flopped or something, is this where the hatred has stemmed from? I’ve got at least one post for every day I’ve been on OnlyFans, so stop lying you dweeb. I know you’ve got screenshots of my content (which you share) but guess what? I’ve got nothing to hide so do your worst (unlike you behind your anonymous account). Ooh I smoked a joint, someone call the fucking police hahaha, sounds like you could do with some, might chill you the fuck out you angry child. And saying I’m desperate... I’ve made more money on OF since I started than you’ll make the whole of next year. Whereas you’re sending/posting your dick pics for FREE. Who’s the desperate one? LOL! Feel free to message me on OnlyFans, so I can block you too. I pray you find happiness. To the guy who said my dick is more impressive than my face... thanks! I’ll take that as a compliment you little cutie, shame we can’t all see your face behind your anonymous account. Before I drop the mic I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supports me, it means the world! Especially when I see yous sticking up for me against these sad creatures. I don’t care if it sounds soppy but you’s make it worthwhile. Money comes and goes but the support has been incredible and puts a massive smile on my face every day! Right, I’m off for a run. Ferg, Jake, Carla... you should try it, it releases endorphins and they make you HAPPY :) x
Ma’am this is a Wendy’s
This is actually hilarious hahaha. Ferguson you have WAY too much time on your hands, along with a lot of self hatred by the sounds of things. Scrolling through this thread and you’ve said nothing but negative things since the very start, then I decided to click on your profile to check your other posts...and it’s same for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You just sound like a whiny little bitch who hates life, it’s getting boring. Along with your little sidekick J4K3 hahaha (Who comes across as another miserable boy fed up with his shitty little life so he comes and escapes on here and tries to put other people down and make himself feel better). You BOTH literally tag team together on every single thread (go and check it out people), bumming each others comments, spraying venom and hatred... it’s kinda cute lol. Then we have Carla (who does the same on other posts, go check) aka xtina (OnlyFans) aka KAREN hahaha, you’ve now been blocked with a refund, so enjoy your free content. Crying and calling me a c*nt because I postponed (not even cancelled) a live and saying ‘you wouldn’t tell your boss you stayed off because you were fucking’ I’m sorry but I never had to have to get a hard on in work, in any job I’ve had, believe it or not. Back to you ‘Fed up Fergie’ aka Ferguson, you’ve been subbed for longer than a month so why did you renew, strange that? Especially after saying how ugly I was whilst on was on the show, lol. Did you try an OnlyFans and it flopped or something, is this where the hatred has stemmed from? I’ve got at least one post for every day I’ve been on OnlyFans, so stop lying you dweeb. I know you’ve got screenshots of my content (which you share) but guess what? I’ve got nothing to hide so do your worst (unlike you behind your anonymous account). Ooh I smoked a joint, someone call the fucking police hahaha, sounds like you could do with some, might chill you the fuck out you angry child. And saying I’m desperate... I’ve made more money on OF since I started than you’ll make the whole of next year. Whereas you’re sending/posting your dick pics for FREE. Who’s the desperate one? LOL! Feel free to message me on OnlyFans, so I can block you too. I pray you find happiness. To the guy who said my dick is more impressive than my face... thanks! I’ll take that as a compliment you little cutie, shame we can’t all see your face behind your anonymous account. Before I drop the mic I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supports me, it means the world! Especially when I see yous sticking up for me against these sad creatures. I don’t care if it sounds soppy but you’s make it worthwhile. Money comes and goes but the support has been incredible and puts a massive smile on my face every day! Right, I’m off for a run. Ferg, Jake, Carla... you should try it, it releases endorphins and they make you HAPPY :) x
"you have WAY too much time on your hands" says the guy who has been investigating every single profile that dared to say something negative about him! :skull::joy:
This is actually hilarious hahaha. Ferguson you have WAY too much time on your hands, along with a lot of self hatred by the sounds of things. Scrolling through this thread and you’ve said nothing but negative things since the very start, then I decided to click on your profile to check your other posts...and it’s same for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You just sound like a whiny little bitch who hates life, it’s getting boring. Along with your little sidekick J4K3 hahaha (Who comes across as another miserable boy fed up with his shitty little life so he comes and escapes on here and tries to put other people down and make himself feel better). You BOTH literally tag team together on every single thread (go and check it out people), bumming each others comments, spraying venom and hatred... it’s kinda cute lol. Then we have Carla (who does the same on other posts, go check) aka xtina (OnlyFans) aka KAREN hahaha, you’ve now been blocked with a refund, so enjoy your free content. Crying and calling me a c*nt because I postponed (not even cancelled) a live and saying ‘you wouldn’t tell your boss you stayed off because you were fucking’ I’m sorry but I never had to have to get a hard on in work, in any job I’ve had, believe it or not. Back to you ‘Fed up Fergie’ aka Ferguson, you’ve been subbed for longer than a month so why did you renew, strange that? Especially after saying how ugly I was whilst on was on the show, lol. Did you try an OnlyFans and it flopped or something, is this where the hatred has stemmed from? I’ve got at least one post for every day I’ve been on OnlyFans, so stop lying you dweeb. I know you’ve got screenshots of my content (which you share) but guess what? I’ve got nothing to hide so do your worst (unlike you behind your anonymous account). Ooh I smoked a joint, someone call the fucking police hahaha, sounds like you could do with some, might chill you the fuck out you angry child. And saying I’m desperate... I’ve made more money on OF since I started than you’ll make the whole of next year. Whereas you’re sending/posting your dick pics for FREE. Who’s the desperate one? LOL! Feel free to message me on OnlyFans, so I can block you too. I pray you find happiness. To the guy who said my dick is more impressive than my face... thanks! I’ll take that as a compliment you little cutie, shame we can’t all see your face behind your anonymous account. Before I drop the mic I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supports me, it means the world! Especially when I see yous sticking up for me against these sad creatures. I don’t care if it sounds soppy but you’s make it worthwhile. Money comes and goes but the support has been incredible and puts a massive smile on my face every day! Right, I’m off for a run. Ferg, Jake, Carla... you should try it, it releases endorphins and they make you HAPPY :) x
Fucking hell says we’re the one with issues then goes and writes a fucking reply so long it could be a book. :joy::joy::joy: Bit Creepy as well that you’re spying on us by the way!
Y’all wanna sit hear and bash him and then stay lurking in this group for his content. It’s weird and corny. If you don’t fuck w what he posts, then stop crying in the thread and just unsubscribe. You all are grown ass adults. Start acting like it. Stop shitting on other people because of your own insecurities. James posts way more than what most reality stars do and actually does content that people ask him to do in dms. The same bitches talking shit are the same ones who are subscribed and or begging to see his dick in the forum. Stop being hypocritical & grow the hell up.
Y’all wanna sit hear and bash him and then stay lurking in this group for his content. It’s weird and corny. If you don’t fuck w what he posts, then stop crying in the thread and just unsubscribe. You all are grown ass adults. Start acting like it. Stop shitting on other people because of your own insecurities. James posts way more than what most reality stars do and actually does content that people ask him to do in dms. The same bitches talking shit are the same ones who are subscribed and or begging to see his dick in the forum. Stop being hypocritical & grow the hell up.
You make me yawn
Ferguson you have WAY too much time on your hands, along with a lot of self hatred by the sounds of things. Scrolling through this thread and you’ve said nothing but negative things since the very start, then I decided to click on your profile to check your other posts...and it’s same for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You just sound like a whiny little bitch who hates life, it’s getting boring. Along with your little sidekick J4K3 hahaha (Who comes across as another miserable boy fed up with his shitty little life so he comes and escapes on here and tries to put other people down and make himself feel better). You BOTH literally tag team together on every single thread (go and check it out people),
I have lots of love for myself no self hate it appears quickly, indicating that you have lots of free time on your hands don’t bring your offensive, divisive and controversial uncouth comments using foul language and doling out personal attacks.
Y’all wanna sit hear and bash him and then stay lurking in this group for his content. It’s weird and corny. If you don’t fuck w what he posts, then stop crying in the thread and just unsubscribe. You all are grown ass adults. Start acting like it. Stop shitting on other people because of your own insecurities. James posts way more than what most reality stars do and actually does content that people ask him to do in dms. The same bitches talking shit are the same ones who are subscribed and or begging to see his dick in the forum. Stop being hypocritical & grow the hell up.
You legit just asked to see his dick. If you don’t like it gtf off the forum. Like....hello? Brain? Are you in there-
Wtf I didn’t ask to see it. :joy: I was on here one day and saw a forum about him so decided to look for a laugh. I don’t fancy him one bit I legit couldn’t stand him on the circle. Calm down you don’t need to fight his corner he ain’t gonna suck your dick if you do. :joy:
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